Signs on the garden gate read, “These Plants Can Kill You,” and visitors are advised to not even smell them. Alnwick is home to about 100 killer plants like Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade), Strychnos nux-vomica (strychnine), and Conium maculatum (hemlock). The garden also has a license to grow things like cannabis, which is kept behind bars in a giant cage — obviously. Another reason Alnwick is such a popular tourist destination? The castle on the same grounds was a stand-in for Hogwarts in several of the Harry Potter films
The history of the Alnwick Gardens goes back to 1750, following centuries old tradition of botanical interest in poisonous and toxic plants. The gardens have a long history under the Dukes of Northumberland, but fell into disrepair after World War 2
The current Duchess of Northumberland decided to revamp the gardens when she became mistress of Alnwick Castle. The project began around 2000, but she did not begin the Poison Garden until five years later. Inspired by the garden near Padua, Italy which was once used by the Medicis to find better ways to kill their enemies, the Duchess decided to build a garden that was filled with narcotic, poisonous and deadly plants. The initial design included some medicinal plants, but she had them removed to maintain the concept of the Poison Garden
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